Saturday, November 22, 2008

If You're Good at Something

Sekedar kompilasi saja dari beberapa tokoh populis di sekitar saya.

Dalam film Batman - The Dark Knight, Joker bilang,
if you're good at something, never do it for free

Entah benar entah tidak. Dan harus diingat, kalimat diatas keluar dari seorang yang juga mengatakan, "what don't kill you will make you... stranger!"

Dalam serial The Big Bang Theory, ibunya Sheldon bilang,
even if you're smarter than people, don't point it out!

Ya, sederhana saja, orang akan benci.

Terakhir, seorang pesepakbola yang sangat banyak omong berkata,
I'm the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd best player in the world

He ended up beaten 2 - 6 by people who at most ranked 4th... according to him. When you're good at something, and you don't give the service you're good at to people for free, better don't point it out so much. As people will mock you to no end for every single mistake you make.

Ho! Entri terpendek di blog saya nih!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saya paling senang dengan kata-kata terakhir Uncle Ben ke Peter Parker, "Great Power comes Great Responsibility". Mengingatkan saya ketika merasakan, "If I'am Good at Something.."